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Indicaciones para trabajo en casa grado segundo A continuación encontrará un enlace que lo dirigirá a un documento de google drive, mire atentamente cada una de las indicaciones dadas.  El trabajo que se realizará se hará en guía y en cuaderno y solamente corresponde a la semana 1 de trabajo virtual. Por favor desarrollar las metas diarias y disponer de 1 hora diaria para realizarlas como si se estuviera en jornada académica normal. Documento guía de indicaciones para grado segundo inglés


PLAY AND LEARN Homework and activities guide 1.1 First grade. Go to the link  and practice with the game. Listen and match the parts of the body according to the drawings of each one. Take a look of the picture

English Guide 6th grade simple future

HOMEWORK: ·            Watch the videos and answer the questions in your notebook. a)     Why the pollution is dangerous? b)     What are the effects of the contamination in the sea? c)     What are the causes of the air pollution? d)     What are the diseases that the air pollution cause? e)     How can we help to reduce the air pollution? What is advice that the video gives us?

English Guide 7th Grade Present Perfect

CONSULT AND INVESTIGATION Watch the following video and answer these questions a. What happened first? b. Has the pink panther thought about the cowboy the first time? c. Why has the cowboy decided to attack the pink panther? d. Has the cowboy realized about his bad actions? e. write your favorite part of the video

English guide 6th grade simple past vs past progressive

CONSULT AND INVESTIGATION ·         Watch the video and write 5 sentences about Mr. Bean actions using simple past tense. And imagine 5 sentences the activities he used to do in the past when He was young.